

Considering that students are not permitted to have personal vehicles on campus; that public transit is often inconvenient and inefficient in rural Metchosin; that the college is conveniently located near the Galloping Goose Trail; that, relatively, bicycles represent an internationally relevant and accessible technology; and that transportation choices have consequences for health and well-being, the college will:

8.1           College Vehicles-Purchasing

Ensure that every decision made regarding vehicle leasing or purchasing by the College includes fuel efficiency, life-cycle costs, and green house gas emissions avoidance as primary purchasing considerations (along with safety, cost, etc) in alignment with the General Procurement Practices Policy.

8.2           College Vehicles-Use

The College will manage its scheduling and use of vehicles in order to maximize efficiency and minimize usage.  Where vehicle use is unavoidable, the lowest impact/greatest efficiency option will be sought.

8.3           Employee Vehicles

The college will actively promote and support the use of alternative transportation methods and consider arrangements that decrease the car-use habits of faculty and staff.

8.4           Other vehicles

Recognizing that the college is responsible for indirect vehicle use involving suppliers or vehicle rentals the college will seek to align such vehicle use with this charter.

8.5           Bicycles

Pearson College will ensure a safe and convenient environment for bicycle-users.

8.5           Air travel

The College will actively pursue ways of reducing its dependence on air travel. Where unavoidable, the College will work to develop a system aimed at offsetting the GHG emissions associated with CCM air travel.

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