
Rendering by architect, Barry Downs, DA Architect and Planners, of part of Pearson College’s campus renewal master plan.

2. Buildings

Recognizing that decisions made regarding buildings have long term planning implications; that the built environment influences behavior, learning outcomes, health, well-being and social dynamics of Campus Community Members (CCMs); and that buildings, in their construction and use, represent a substantial proportion of the College’s material use, energy use and budget allocation, Pearson college will:

2.1           Include Green building principles in the design and construction of all new buildings, renovations and upgrades and use full-cost accounting and life-cycle assessment in making design decisions;

2.2           Ensure that all new building and major renovation or extension plans be reviewed by a third party, as determined by the Oikos Committee, prior to approval by the Board;

2.3           Ensure that innovative environmentally preferable products (e.g. “Green Cement” containing fly ash, or pine beetle and recycled glass products) be used when feasible (subject to engineering and structural requirements);

2.4           Showcase progressive environmental designs and initiatives in all new buildings;

2.5           Ensure that all new appliances, fixtures and mechanical systems will be certified Energy Star or equivalent;

2.6           Take into consideration efficiency and reduction in long-term resource use in all fixtures purchased by the school (including but not limited to low flow showerheads, low volume toilets, compact fluorescent light bulbs, water-less urinals);

2.7           Comply with the provisions of the Energy policy;

2.8           Seek to have all buildings be net energy producers.

Steering meeting 03.14.12 HANDOUT

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